Opis produktuSIMATIC STEP 7 Professional V19, Powerpack Basic V19 -> Professional V19; floating license download; engineering software in the TIA Portal; software, documentation and license key for download; class A; 9 languages: de,en,zh included, fr,es,it,ru,ja,ko as download; for configuration of SIMATIC S7-1200/1500, SIMATIC S7-300/400/WinAC, SIMATIC Basic Panels, SIMATIC Unified Basic Panels. system requirements see www.siemens.com/compatool Consignee e-mail address required for delivery With SIMATIC STEP 7 (TIA Portal), the user configures, programs, tests and diagnoses Basic, Advanced and Distributed Controllers of all generations, whether PLC or PC-based, including software controllers. Thanks to its integration in the engineering framework of TIA Portal, SIMATIC STEP 7 offers advantages such as direct online diagnosis, easy adding of technology objects or the library concept which is both time-saving and efficient when working with and reusing objects. STEP 7 in TIA Portal helps you tosolve engineering tasks intuitively and efficiently. The integration into TIA Portal delivers impressive results every step of the way when working and programming thanks to a clear layout, intelligent user guidance and comfortable processes. Functions such as drag-and-drop, copy and paste or autocomplete make work significantly quicker and easier. Whether a single-user station, a small team or an international company, there is a licensing variant available for every use case permitting you cost-effectiveuse of your SIMATIC software according to your needs. In addition, you can use the Software Update Service (SUS) to easily and cost-effectively keep your software up-to-date and receive the newest software upon its release.