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6ES7517-3AP00-0AB0 SIMATIC S7-1500 CPU 1517-3 PN/DP

Numer katalogowy: 6ES75173AP000AB0
Producent: Siemens
Kod EAN: 4047623403890
Cena dla Ciebie
25 440,09 zł brutto/szt.
Cena netto: 20683,00 zł

(25 440,09 zł szt.)

Minimalna ilość sprzedaży to 1 sztuka
Produkt dostępny na zamówienie. Zadzwoń 42 652 27 00 lub napisz  sprzedaz@elektrogielda.comnapisz
Stan magazynowy:0 szt.
Czas wysyłki: Produkt dostępny na zamówienie.Zadzwoń 42 652 27 00
Minimalna ilość sprzedaży: 1 szt.
Numer katalogowy:Nr.kat.:6ES75173AP000AB0
Stan magazynowy: 0 szt.
Czas wysyłki: Na zamówienie
Numer katalogowy: 6ES75173AP000AB0 
Producent: Siemens
Kod EAN: 4047623403890
Minimalna ilość jednostek miary do kupienia: 1 szt.
Cena25 440,09 zł/szt.
Numer katalogowy producenta: 6ES75173AP000AB0
Jednostka miary: szt.
Minimalna ilość sprzedaży: 1
Dane techniczne
Opis produktu
SIMATIC S7-1500, CPU 1517-3 PN/DP, central processing unit with work memory 2 MB for program and 8 MB for data, 1st interface: PROFINET IRT with 2-port switch, 2nd interface: PROFINET RT, 3rd interface: PROFIBUS, 2 ns bit performance, SIMATIC Memory Card required The SIMATIC® S7-1500 Advanced Controller sets new standards with regard to system performance and usability. The seamless Integration of the SIMATIC S7-1500 Controller in the Totally Integrated Automation Portal (TIA Portal) offers advantages, such as common data storage, a uniform operating concept and central services. This makes the use of universal functions particularly easy. With its short system response times, the controller boosts productivity in the twinkling of an eye. For you, this means more flexibility and a shorter product launch time. Various CPU versions, each in several performance classes, are available for SIMATIC S7-1500. The portfolio firstly covers standard CPUs, some with the option of integrating C/C++ code. The compact CPUs have integrated digital and analog I/Os, and counting inputs and pulse outputs can be measured directly on the CPU. Thanks to the fail-safe CPUs, Standard and Safety programs can be executed on the same controller. The technology CPUs expand the Motion Control functions available in all SIMATIC S7-1500 controllers for demanding solutions. The SIMATIC S7-1500 Advanced Controller is configured using the SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional software. A SIMATIC Memory Card is required for the operation of this module.
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